Terms & Conditions
No Contract Requirement.
This is a month to month service and a contract is not required. If you would like to cancel service, please contact us before the first of the month.
Payment Policy​​
Month to Month services are charged on the first of each month which includes the entire month's cleanings.
Invoices are sent and payments are charged via Square.
Cash/Check are accepted - please communicate with us if you're wanting to pay via cash/check.
All services require payment before they are provided.
Missed Payments
If your payment is not received by the first of the month, we will pause your service for the first week. If payment isn't received by the second week your service will be cancelled.
Cancelled Service
You can cancel your service any time by notifying us via email, phone call, or text. If you choose to restart your service the initial cleaning rates will apply. If you cancel service in the middle of the month and don't want us to continue scooping, please be aware that we do not offer pro-rated refunds for this circumstance.
*The Poo Dude LLC can cancel service for any reason at any time*
Quality Service Guarantee.
We are humans and though it isn't often, we might occasionally miss a pile. If this is the case just contact us within 24 hours of your service and we will come back and scoop again free of charge. *The Poo Dude LLC is not responsible for missed poo piles due to overgrown grass/weed and/or poor yard maintenance.
We do not scoop during the following holidays:
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve / Christmas Day
If one of these days falls on your service day, we will move your service to a day of the week that we are open and notify you of the change.
*The second week of March and the second week of August are family vacation holidays that we take off from scooping. Invoices for these two months will be discounted by 15%.
Vacation Policy
We do offer pro-rated payment options for our customers if they will be out of town and won't need to be scooped. We must be notified before the invoice for that month is paid.
Area Upkeep Policy
The Poo Dude LLC is not responsible for missed poo piles due to overgrown grass/weed and/or poor yard maintenance. In these situations, we will scoop as much of the poop as we can find, however, if we can't see the poop, we can't scoop the poop!
Pet in Yard Policy
We have no problem servicing your yard with your pet outside if your pet is friendly. If your dogs do not like strangers in their yard or show any type of aggression, we will ask that your pets remain inside while we service the yard. If we are unable to service your yard because the dog would not let us, we will notify you of the situation and service will be continued the following week. *If your pet attacks or bites one of The Poo Dude LLC's technicians, we will have to report the incident to local animal control authorities as that is the law. Your pet may be subjected to a ten-day rabies hold at the local shelter. The Poo Dude LLC is not responsible for any monetary situations that may arise from this type of incident.
Locked Gate Policy
If your gate has a lock on it we will ask you to either leave it unlocked on the day of your service or provide a gate code for us to use. We will lock the gate back behind us after we service your yard. If we are unable to service your yard due a locked gate we will notify you of the situation and service will be continued the following week.
Severe Weather Policy
If the weather is severe, including severe storms, ice, snow, etc. we might reschedule your service to a different day to ensure our safety. If this happens, we will notify you of the situation and reschedule. Occasionally we may have to put off servicing your yard until the following week.